Edukimi i profesionistëve të kujdesit shëndetësor bazuar në angazhimin tonë për përsosmëri, përgjegjshmëri sociale dhe të mësuarit gjatë gjithë jetës, duke ndjekur në të njëtjën kohë kërkimet e reja dhe inovacionin klinik, për të përmirësuar shëndetin e individëve dhe popullsisë si dhe për të kontribuar në zhvillimin e shkencave mjekësore e shëndetësore.
Fakulteti i Shkencave mjekësore ka për qëllim:
The programs of the first cycle of Bachelor studies last 3 academic years, with a load of 180 credits. The integrated programs are 300 * or 360 * credits and the normal duration is 5 or 6 academic years.
The programs in the second cycle of Master of Science studies last 2 academic years with a load of 120 credits.
The programs in the second cycle of Professional Master studies last 1 or 2 academic years with a load of 60 or 120 credits.
Professional programs are up to 2 academic years after upper secondary education, with a load of up to 120 credits.
* : 5-year integrated program "Master of Science"
** : Program that will be activated soon
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences
Administrator of the Faculty of Medical Sciences
Head of Department of Medical Sciences and Health
Head of Department of Medical-Technical Sciences
Head of Department of General Training and Vocational Development
Coordinator of Department of Medical Sciences and Health
Coordinator of Department of Medical-Technical Sciences
Faculty Coordinator, Department of General Training and Vocational Development
Coordinator of Stomatology, Department of Medical Sciences and Health
Nursing coordinator, Department of Medical-Technical Sciences
Physiotherapy coordinator, Department of Medical-Technical Sciences
Department of General Training and Vocational Development
Department of General Training and Vocational Development
Department of General Training and Vocational Development
Department of Medical-Technical Sciences
Department of Medical-Technical Sciences
Department of General Training and Vocational Development
Department of General Training and Vocational Development
Department of Medical Sciences and Health
Department of Medical Sciences and Health
Lorem Ipsum është një tekst shabllon i industrisë së printimit dhe shtypshkronjave.